Thursday, January 16, 2014

13 Things I Learned In 2013

1. I can have love ANYTIME I want, it's called self love, and is one of the best, most gratifying kinds of love you can find. Until you have self love, nothing else will ever matter, but once you do find it, everything matters, even the smallest of things.

2. The power of forgiveness will set you free. Holding on to old pain, and old mistakes only weighs you down. When you are able to forgive yourself and other people for things that happened you take away all of its power and you are able to focus your energy on things that really matter to you.

3. If you do not like where you are at in life change the situation, or at least take the necessary steps to change it. Sometimes things don't change over night, and unless you are actively trying to change things, you have zero room to bitch.

4. Make time to appreciate something every single day.

5. Eating clean/ Paleo is expensive, but so are medical bills and disease.

6.  Writing things down is a HUGE part of being successful and accomplishing the  things you want to accomplish. I have post it notes in my car and room reminding, focusing me, and keeping me on track. Whenever I am having a bad moment these reminders help me to change my thoughts

7. Laugh....because if you don't laugh, you'll cry.

8. I've changed and some people don't like it. That's not my fucking problem!

9. "It's okay to hate what everyone else pretends to love." - Emma Watson

10. Dance every morning while getting ready for the day :)

11.  I am a very determined and strong person. Not only have I realize how physically strong I am, but mentally as well. I've set a number of goals that I crushed in 2013. BIG THINGS COMING!

12. I've never "fit into society", this year was all about embracing that!

13. My family is hands down the most important thing to me. I would
do anything for each of them. I am lucky to come from a family who endlessly supports each other. 2013 was a great year for all of us, watching everyone's transformation is beyond inspiring! 


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