“Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.”
― Mark Twain
― Mark Twain
I had the pleasure of being able to attend the 2013 Crossfit North East Regional Games at Reebok Head Quarters in Canton, MA. A-fucking-mazing! I strongly recommend every cross-fitter ( and non cross-fitter) to go an experience Regionals. I learned so much in three days, from body image to simply learning to laugh more; trying to figure out where to start is honestly giving me trouble!
My sister ( Cassandra) , Fins ( Kat), and I started our journey to Regionals early Thursday morning and the anticipation was killing me. I had an idea about what Regionals were because my brother and sister had gone the year before. I knew this experience was going to change me, in a really good, kick in your ass kind of way. I was ready for it. I vowed to myself that this weekend I would make an extra effort to not be as shy, meet some new people, and live outside my comfort zone. I wanted to finally just be myself, and have fun, no pressure, no drama. I tend to be very introverted, almost to a point of really hindering my ability to grow as a person and I was ready to take this step.
Besides getting to watch the athletes competing, I was also fortunate enough to meet some really awesome coaches, and fellow cross fitters from boxes all across the North East Region. Each person I met offered a lesson, advice, or inspiration. I talked to other women about body image, and being confident in your own skin, loving your body for what it can do!
Being amongst all cross fitters for an entire weekend almost makes you never want to go back home! It's a different World. The entire weekend was a huge success, and one of the best weekends I've had in a really long time! After seeing first had what these athletes do, I just want to say how proud I am of each and every cross fitter. What we all do each day, the lifestyle in which we chose to live, treat each other, and as one move forward is beautiful. I can't wait to see what happens at the Games this year!
Coming back from Regionals I was ready to go! How can you not be after a weekend of pure awesomeness?! I had a familiar realization on my way to Crossfit that Monday, which I always enjoy because it allows me to regain my focus. Life is all about catch me if you can moments, and that's what Crossfit has brought to my attention. All I have is that one moment (work out) to do my best, leave it all out there, catch what I want out of it. I should live every single moment in life, with this thought in my head. Every moment is a chance to get better. Make it a point to recognize this every single day. I have one chance in life, what am I going to do with it? We all wake up with the same choice every day. Am I going to be happy? Try my hardest? Inspire others? I am in control, always. I cant always control what happens to me, but I can always control my reaction and attitude.

Onto the unbroken 20 front squats... Pure hell, let's just get that out of the way! I felt my mind state change when I committed to doing those all unbroken. Coach Rick was behind me keeping count, my body kept moving, but I had left. My mind was somewhere else, and when I came to all I heard was " 15...do not think of dropping the bar now...16..." In those moments when my mind had escaped my body, I became stronger. I realized that my body was capable of much more than my mind insisted. I was able to take my mind out of the situation and let my body do what it was intended to do. It still hurt....it hurt like hell, but I wasn't focused on the pain. I was focused on the goal, focused on the people who doubt me (myself being the first), focused on the future, on the present moment of growing stronger. I get goose bumps just writing about it! The possibilities are really endless in life, YOU just have to believe in yourself first! If you do not believe in yourself no one else will, I hate to say it, but it's true!
Speaking of believing in yourself, I want to announce the Paleo Challenge winner! Shannon is THE MOST hard working individual I've ever Met! The lengths to which she has gone to change her life are a testament to her determination. Shannon has been doing Crossfit over three years now, and has lost a total of 150lbs!
When I first started Crossfit, Shannon was one of the first people to introduce herself to me, and set up a night out! She is one of those people who makes you feel welcome right away, her personality lights up the room! I have the pleasure of working out with Shannon 3-4 times a week, and she is one of the best WOD partners! She is always willing to cheer people on, do extra work to help someone finish, and can I just say, she is STRONG as hell! Definitely a great role model, and someone I, and every one at our box admirers. I was able to ask Shannon some questions about this tremendous journey, and her answers brought me to tears!
1. It's so hard to stay dedicated and committed to things, especially eating healthy! What are some things that helped you stay on track, not only during the challenge, but during this entire life transformation?
" For me this entire Journey started because I needed to Get Healthy. I was 30 years old and very sick. When you’re doing something to save your own life, it really isn’t very hard to stay committed. For this Challenge well that’s was something different! It was a Challenge and if there is one thing I could say about me, it’s that I’m a very determined person when I set my mind to doing something. I like a Challenge! It motivates me when things aren’t easy. Easy is for the masses. I like a little resistance….thus my Love of Crossfit. No matter how good you get the WOD’s will never be Easy! "
2. When did you first start Crossfit and how did you hear about it?
"I was working out with a Friend who had a Kettle bell Class. He opened a Crossfit gym and that’s how I first got into it. "
3. Describe the experience of your first WOD ever.
"One of my first WOD’s included Jumping over the Barbell and doing lateral Burpees. The entire class was finished and I was miles from being done. Our very own Sal D’Alessio got down on the floor and started doing Burpees with me. (I’m getting choked up remembering this.) He looked me right in the face with a look I will never forget and said “You can do this! You got this Kid…You Hear me….Just Keeping Moving!” So I did – I finished the WOD and it felt like the first time someone really believed that I could do this. There was no way I was going to fail with everyone watching. People in my life had there obvious doubts when I first started this life style. They really didn’t think it would last. By the way, Sal is still yelling at me during WOD’s in the very same way!"
4. How long have you been doing crossfit for? How much weight have you lost in total?
"I’ve been doing CrossFit for more than 3 years now. To date I’ve lost 150lbs. I Started at 305 and today I’m 155!"
5. What made you decide it was time to change your life?
"Few Things happened all around the same time and I knew it was time to change. First Ricky & I got stuck in Red Bank for the 4th of July Fireworks and we had to walk 6 miles to get to our car. I was 300lbs, I barely ever moved at all so 6 miles almost killed me in the July Heat! When we finally made it, Ricky said to me “If you can do that, just think what else you can possibly do?!” It really got me thinking!
Then the next month the Love of my Life asked me to marry him and that really set the ball rolling. I was marrying a man 20 years my senior and he was Way Healthier than me. I thought to myself how stupid is that?! I also didn’t want to stand up Next to this trim man on my wedding day and Look like a Giant Marshmallow in a white dress! Harsh but True! "
6. After accomplishing so much, what are some goals you are looking forward to accomplishing in the future?
" I look forward to so many things in the future. I’ve got a lot of work left to do. I’m not really athletically inclined, so I have to work hard to develop new skills. I would like to snatch over 100lbs someday ( Shannon snatched over 100# last week, it was freakin awesome!) My ultimate Dream is to RX Fran…simple but Huge to a girl like me. I have plenty of personal Goals left to reach but the thing I Want Most is to be able to help other people change their Lives and find the happiness that I have in getting Healthy & Strong! I want people to know that they can do it, it’s never too late, and it’s worth the Effort every day! "
7. What advice would you give to someone who wants to give up whether it be during a work out, chasing a dream, etc.) ?
" You Never Give Up! You really don’t know how close you are to the next big breakthrough that leads you to success! There is just never a good excuse for giving up on yourself! If you won’t fight for your own dreams...Who will?! It took me 3 years to do a pull-up. If I gave up, those years would still have gone by, and the only difference is that I’d still be hanging from the bar wishing I could do a Pull up. We are all different so Don’t get frustrated or start comparing yourself to anyone else – That is just wasted energy. Focus on your own goals and appreciate the Journey. Patience & Hard Work will get you where you want to go in Life & in the Box! "
Shannon's perseverance throughout this entire journey is AMAZING! This is what happens when a person makes the decision to better their lives, and make it a priority! She is a hero, for so many different reasons, and each day she walks into that box, she inspires every single one of us to get after the life we want! Great things are in her future, and I can't wait to see where these next months take her!
Today I am grateful for my siblings! Without the three of them I would never be where I am today, or who I am today. They are my best friends and I'm happy to know I will always have them around!
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