1 year progress |
I can not believe its January 2014 already! It feels like just yesterday I was sitting here getting ready to embark on this new journey! It feels amazing to look back on 2013 with no regrets! I still can't believe I catch myself smiling for no reason other than simple and pure happiness! 2013 was an amazing year in which I proved a lot to myself about my commitment, dedication, and strength. In January of last year I wrote my first blog post and the main topic was my resolution of getting healthy; in my head at the time getting healthy was working out and eating correctly. Little did I know that the year had more in store for me than I expected. Six months into CrossFit, into an entire life style change, I suffered a back injury that would leave me in active for 6 months. At first the news was devastating, and scary. I had become so use to eating healthy and working out everyday that fear struck and I worried what was in store during my recovery. Would I give up? Go back to old habits? Fall off for good? Go back to old friends who only pulled me down wards? After allowing myself to shift through the many emotions that comes with an injury I decided to look at the situation differently. I wanted to get healthy and this injury was one way for me to do it. Through hurting my back I was able to learn about all the things I have been doing wrong for years from sitting, to walking, to sleeping. I learned about healthier ways to do daily activities and in turn this injury will make me a better CrossFitter. I refuse to let a set back stop me, instead during this year I realized that the struggle will always be there. I had to change the way I viewed it, I had to accept the situation for what it was and decided what to do with it. I didn't want to live with any regrets, so I stuck to eating clean ( OK, SO I INDULGED A LITTLE DURING THE HOLIDAYS) but in 6 months, without working out, I have managed to not gain a single pound back that I fought so hard to lose. I made a decision last year and through every trial, every high and low point I stayed true to myself and my goals. WHATS YOUR EXCUSE?
Cassandra |
2013 wasn't just a good year for me, my older sister Cassandra, who has been my back bone since I can remember, has completely taken off chasing dreams and facing fears and I couldn't be more proud of her. I've always looked up to her, and kept her on a pedestal that she has PROVED she deserves to be on. What sets my sister apart from so many people is that she LIVES by her word. Cassandra doesn't say the shit you want to hear, she tells you the shit you need to hear. When she says she is going to do something, she does it. That's a hard quality to find in people! She is so relentless, strong, and fearless. What she will accomplish in her life is going to be beyond amazing, and I'm glad I will be able to have a front row seat to it all. I was able to talk with my sister about her journey through CrossFit, why she fell in love with it, and how it's changed her life, allowing her to crush a 2014 goal, in the last month of 2013, by taking 3rd place in the CrossFit Christmas Throw-down. Check it out and get inspired!
What lead you to your first CrossFit class?
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Photo Cred: Luke Lukas |
" I have always been an athlete. I played soccer and softball through my senior year of high school, but decided to hang up my spikes and glove once I got to college. After, 2 1/2 years of practice yoga I started getting bored and was looking for something "different." Kristy was actually one of my very first yoga teachers and when her and J opened Brazen she was always telling me to come in and try it. I'd say "yeah, yeah I'll stop by," but never mustard up the OVARIES to go. Honestly, it really wasn't until I became friends with Roy, who had been crossfitting for awhile that I started to seriously consider giving it a go. All he talked about was Crossfit. It was definately something that peaked my interested. So after months of watching (in secret of course) youtube videos of games athletes completing these gnarly wods I decided to really give it a go. In Feb of 2011 Brazen offered a "newbies" class and I coaxed my brother, Francis into going with me. I remember being scared shitless because I felt like EVERYONE was watching me. But all of that dissipated immediately after the WOD started. I was in my own element and was hooked on the adrenaline rush right away."
- Did you know than that CrossFit was something that was going to change your life?
" Instantaneously. I'm a bit of a masochist hah. But I totally knew after the first WOD. Francis and I got into the car, I looked at him and said "you know this is going to be life changing for us."
- How does it feel to know you set a goal in 2014 and crushed it in the last month of 2013?
"It's mind blowing and has me even more jacked up for 2014. It's going to be a HUGE proving year for me & I'm amped about all the BIG, BEAUTIFUL & HEAVY stuff that's on the way!!"
- Who has inspired you during this whole experience?
"Fuck. There are so many people for so many different reasons. My Nonna and friend, Dean, who both died last year have both fueled me to live my life that much stronger. My crazy, twisted, tough loving family, especially my mom. My coaches and amazing friends at Brazen. And my students and clients. Without these people's' continuous support and motivation I wouldn't be who I am today."
- How have you transferred what you've learned so far in The box to your daily life and to other people you encounter?
" CrossFit is like a whole other breed of fitness because it's mentally and physically challenges you in ways that you never dreamed. It gives you no other choice but to get comfortable in some of the most uncomfortable times. When you're pushing yourself physically you also learn to combat the mental as well. You learn to take risks and know that failure only fuels your successes. So what if you missed that 125# snatch you tried and that transpires into everyday life. You start taking bigger risks, your mindset transforms into one that see potential and possibility in everything you do because honestly if I can backsquat 230# You sure as hell can crush a lot of other things in life and I started to. I learned to stop settling for things and go after what true lite my heart on fire. So here I am almost 2 years later chasing all of my goals. "
- What is the biggest obstacle you've had to face while training for this competition and how did you overcome it?
"Clearing the DOUBT out of my head. I'm a mind fucker and am fully aware of my flaws. 99% of my failed lifts are because I mentally screwed myself before I even touched the bar or give up way before anyone else would. Slowly, but surely I've been destroying what for so long has destroyed me. It's been a huge learning process. I remember after my first competition J said to me that him and I are a lot alike, mentally and when I learn to harness the doubt I'll be a force. Each day I push a little harder to combat the doubt and demons that live inside my head and with that I become a better athlete."
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3rd Place - Christmas Thrown-down |
- What does being limitless mean to you?
"LIMITLESS. It means believing you are capable of anything and everything that is placed in front of you no matter how crazy it might be. It means never giving up and always putting in 113%. It means there is no FUCKING glass CEILING! Limitless means that the world is ours for the taking and it is only when we stifle ourselves that we start to believe the bullshit of "can't". Being limitless is a mindset that creates a world of possibility but ONLY if/when you let it. That word and my coach have changed my life. Be limitless it's as simple or as hard as you make it, but at the end of the day it's you who decides. "
Set your goals. Make a game plan and Get the fuck after the life you want! Make this year about you....you won't regret it!